Political pamphlets [1]
A small collection of political reports and pamphlets on - or against - the Papal court
Cleric from a Catholic Nation and Italian Cleric, 1676-1677 [2]
Conversation between Mohammed and Colbert (post. 1683) [3]
Discorso circa la soppressione del Collegio dei Segretariati Apostolici fatta dalla Santità di Nostro Signore Papa Innocenzo XI [4]
Instruction to Abbot Orsini [5]
Instruction to Cardinal Montalto [6]
Invettiva contro i maldicenti [7]
Journal of the Military Expedition from Santa Maura to Preusa, 1-11 September 1684 [8]
Letter of an Heretic on the election of Cardinal Odescalchi or of Cardinal Grimaldi [9]
Memorandum to Cardinal Borghese [10]
News from Vienna on the War against the Turcs, on the Coronation of the King of Hungary and on the Rise to the Throne of Soliman II, 30 November-22 December 1687 [11]
Proposal to create a special Congregazione for helping the population of the Papal states and expecially of the district of Rome, May 1678 [12]
Rapporti di Monsignor Mellini nunzio in Spagna, 1675-1681 [13]
Satirical pamphlet on the cardinals' factions, 14 August 1676 [14]
Siege of Modone, 3 August 1685 [15]
Warnings to Cardinal Ludovisi [16]