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Universitat de Barcelona

Web site: http://www.ub.edu/historiamoderna/default.php?lang=es



Joan Lluís Palos, Diana Carrio-Invernizzi, Fernando Sánchez Marcos at the ENBaCH seminar in Barcellona in 2010


Joan Lluís Palos, Diana Carrio-Invernizzi, Fernando Sánchez Marcos in occasione del seminario ENBaCH a Barcellona nel 2010

Our research group from the University of Barcelona has been working on the relationships between power and culture in Early modern times (http://www.ub.edu/poderirepresentacions/index_es.php), in the framework of a Project called  Power & Representations (hyperlink), directed by Joan Lluís Palos, with funding from the Ministry of Science and Innovation of Spain (Ref. HAR2009-08 019). As ENBACH project members we will organize an exhibition, curated by Professors Joan Lluís Palos (University of Barcelona) and Diana Carrio-Invernizzi (Open University of Madrid), which will reflect on the internationalization of Baroque culture in Europe promoted by the Spanish viceroys in Naples. Our staff is also composed by four professors from the University of Barcelona, ​​Fernando Sánchez Marcos, Xavier Baró, Imma Socias and Ida Mauro. Milena Viceconte, as Project Manager, will be responsible for managing the group. We also have the external collaboration of researchers as Angel Rivas, Leticia de Frutos and Ana Minguito.

Joan Lluís Palos e Diana Carrio-Invernizzi

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