Dance of Death

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Ulrike Czeitschner, Thierry Declerck, Karlheinz Mörth, Barbara Krautgartner and Claudia Resch are investigating texts that belong to the so-called  Dance of Death and  memento mori genres. These texts date back to the Baroque era, in particular the  years from 1650 until 1750, and were written to admonish readers to live  a life of virtue in order to be prepared for death at any time. The  project is based at the Austrian Academy of Sciences' Institute of  Corpus Linguistics and Text Technology (ICLTT).

dance of death

Employing  a balanced mix of methodologies from corpus linguistics, art history  and literary studies, texts and images (a vastly rich source for the  study of popular imagery of the Baroque era) are explored in order to  gain further insights into the way of life and the attitudes towards  death at the period under investigation. Currently, the results of the  basic annotation phase of the digital corpus allow to search the texts  and to perform queries of higher complexity on them. Sophisticated tools  to navigate the texts and various detailed indices enable our scholars  to tap the full potential of the digital media also in the early stages  of the project.
Bilder v. r. n. l.:
  • Painting of the graveyard chapel in Grafendorf near Hartberg (A), created 1724 
    Photo: Claudia Resch
  • Text page and copper engraving from the emblem book ""Besonders meubliert-und gezierte Todten=Capelle" (1710), accredited to Abraham a Sancta Clara. Available online on
  • Painting of the graveyard chapel in Grafendorf near Hartberg (A), created 1724 
    Photo: Ulrike Czeitschner

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